Heavy Rainfall Causes Widespread Disruption In Biratnagar

Widespread Disruption In Biratnagar

Hailing the second largest city of Nepal Biratnagar, extreme weather climes have threatened the region as intense rainfall is still going on. Rain which started late Saturday night continued through to early Sunday and has caused disruption as well as fears that low lying areas may be flooded.

The Meteorological Forecasting Division has forecasted moderate to heavy rains right through the day with some areas of the city predicted to receive up to 150mm of rain. This has led local authorities lower to take precautionary measures in order to prevent any adverse risks from occurring in the region as well as to protect residents.

The rain has already developed some areas of water logging mainly in some parts of Biratnagar where drainage system is rather poor. Some of the roads have become unusable, that is why traffic flow has intensified and car traffic jams occur. The public transportation has been worst hit and most of the bus services have been either cancelled or planned on a reduced timetable.

Local authorities have asked people to stay at home and avoid going near the flooded rivers and streams. The Koshi River which is nearby Biratnagar is being observed to check the fluctuating river level to floods or rise and affect the communities again.

The office of the Biratnagar Metropolitan has mobilized its disaster Management Team to help in handling any disaster situation that results from the heavy rainfall. Mayor Bhim Parajuli has said all the relevant actions are being made to lessen the consequences of unfavorable weather conditions. Every day, we are posturing human resources and machinery to remove the accumulated water in affected regions as well as to keep the disrupted service deliveries befitting our citizens, said Mayor Parajuli in a press release.

The other impact has been on the flight activities in and out of Biratnagar due to the persisting rains. Flight cancellations and delays have been notably reported at the city’s airport through poor visibility and high risk of unsuccessful landings. The general public is encouraged to consult the respective airlines in order to confirm flight schedules prior to arrival.

Schools and colleges in Biratnagar have declared off-day today and adhered to the priority of their students and employees. Some of the business people have also chosen not to open their premises at all or open but for a few hours in a day which shows how dire the situation is.

As it is, the agricultural market segment, being an important component of the regional economy, is preparing for possible losses. The farmers in the surrounding regions are worried about the threat of crop loss due to water logging, besides the likelihood of floods, should the rains continue.

The authorities advise people to boil water or use water purification agents after heavy rain and floods due to a higher risk of waterborne diseases. They have encouraged the residents to start boiling the drinking water to ensure they do not come into contact with dirty water and warned them to practice good hygiene to avoid the breakouts of diseases.

The Nepal Electricity Authority has made a major report to the people of its community by informing them that there is a disruption in power supplies in many areas of Biratnagar because of damaged transformers and power lines that have fallen. Maintenance workers are restoring the electricity continuously, but authorities are concerned that some residents may be without electricity for some time.

Throughout the day authorities are monitoring the weather situation and if it becomes severe are ready to perform evacuation measures. People living in flood prone regions are urged to pack their emergency supplies and listen to radio and television for instructions.

The Nepal army and police have already been placed on stand-by in case of any problem which may arise during the search and rescue missions. Relief camps in community halls and school have been established in case people are forced out of their homes.

The current burst of heavy rainfall in Biratnagar falls within the broad pattern of weather being experienced in the eastern part of Nepal. Other adjacent districts are also in the same state, which is not only a burden to the regional facilities but also increases demands on catastrophe response squads.

At the same time, the people of Biratnagar are witnessing such a severe kind of challenging weather occurrence that it is quite hard to survive. With this heavy down pour officials and residents are appealing to the people to stand together in order to face the challenges of the situation. The upcoming days will turn out to be decisive in specifying the scope of its effects as well as the measures that will be necessary for subsequent rehabilitation.

By Rick M

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